Weekly Shiurim Schedule
Le'iloy Nishmas Chizkiyahu Matisyahu Yared ben Miriam
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- Tanya Shiur Wednesday 5:30 PM
- Perek Chelek Shiur Thursday 1:30 PM
- Moreh Nevuchim Shiur Thursday 9:00 PM
- Parsha HaShevuah Shiur Friday 9:30 AM
- Yisodaei HaTorah Shiur Motzei Shabbos 10:00 PM
- Gevuros Hashem Shiur Sunday 6:45 AM
Rabbi Lopiansky gives weekly live shiurim at various times on selected topics. These shiurim are available to anyone who would like to join on a consistent basis. The shiurim are given in high quality live video with the ability to interact.
The average shiur is for about a half an hour with Q & A following the shiur.
*All shiurim are in Eastern Time Zone
The average shiur is for about a half an hour with Q & A following the shiur.
*All shiurim are in Eastern Time Zone
Shiur Schedule
Yisodaei HaTorah Shiur
This Motzei Shabbos shiur is based on R’ Aaron’s sefer Yesodaei HaTorah – a collection the foundational and essential Rishonim presented according to the weekly parsha. Each week R’ Aaron picks up where he left off that parsha the previous year. He goes through the words of the great Rishonim on each parsha, presenting the “Yesodei HaTorah” from the classic Rishonim. Even Shlaima Shiur
In this series, (given in memory of Talmud & longtime audio library curator Rav Matisyahu Rosenblum ztl), R’ Aaron explores the teachings of the Vilna Gaon through the classic compilation by Rav Shmuel Maltzan, "Even Shlaima". Unpacking layers of Torah depth & bringing out practical lessons for hashkafas Hachaim the sefer comes to life in this animated weekly shiur. |
Moreh Nevuchim Shiur Part of the years long series learning the seforim of the Rambam, in this Thursday night shiur R’ Aaron learns the sefer Moreh Nevuchim. Starting from the beginning and going through the sefer line by line, R’ Aaron presents this much deliberated sefer in a clear and even practical way. Gevuros Hashem Shiur
This shiur, given early Sunday morning (attended primarily by talmidim in Eretz Yisroel), R' Aaron goes through the Maharal's most popular sefer: Gevuros Hashem. The sefer is about the Geulah from Mitzrayim and the Yom Tov of Pesach. R' Aaron learns the sefer, explaining its depth, provides insight into its ideas, and shows the relevance of its message. R' Aaron has many shiurim on selections of this sefer in the past; this is the first series that started from the beginning and will make its way through the entire series. |
Parsha Shiur Delivered live at Yeshiva of Greater Washington every Friday morning and streamed on Zoom, R’ Aaron’s famous Chumash Shiur is listened to and revered throughout the Jewish world. Built from a wide range of sources in Chazal, Rishonim/Achronim, this shiur brings the depth of the weekly parsha to light, while always making it meaningful and relevant for our daily lives. Tanya Shiur
In this brand new series, R Aaron takes on the task of bringing the sefer Lukutei Amram/Tanya to us. The sefer, long and considered a foundation of Chassidus, continues to be essential today to Chassidim and non-Chassidim alike. Learn the sefer like never before in this exciting series |